ORIGINAL RULES (as amended)
1. The Club shall be called the “West Sussex Mini Owners Club”
2. (a) The objects of the Club shall be the furtherance of interest in the “Mini” motor car of all marques and derivatives and to provide members with opportunities for social interaction.
(b) All persons will be welcome as Club Members whether they own a Mini, a Mini variant or merely if they have a general interest in Minis.
3. The Club shall be managed by a Committee of 12 members. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in each year and subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise shall remain in office until their successors are elected at the Annual General Meeting next following their election.The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur. The retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
4. The annual subscription for members for either a single, joint or family membership shall be that set by the Committee and be reviewable annually by the Committee and announced at the the Annual General Meeting.
5. All members whose current subscription have not been paid on the due date shall cease to be members on the expiration of one calendar month unless a reason satisfactory to the Committee shall be given for the delay.
6. All applications for membership shall be in writing and shall be signed by the candidate and the election shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
7. The Committee shall have power to expel any member who shall offend against the rules of the Club or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the Committee render him unfit for membership of the Club.Before any such member is expelled the Secretary shall give him or her 7 days written notice to attend a meeting of the Committee and shall inform him or her of the complaint(s) made against him or her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the Committee and answering complaints made against him or her or unless at least two thirds of the Committee then present vote in favour of the expulsion.
8. The Committee shall have power to alter the rules but no such alteration shall take effect until the same has been confirmed at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.
9. A General Meeting of the Club shall be held in every year not later than the 31st January to transact the following business:-
a) To receive and if approved to adopt a statement of the Club's accounts to the end of the year;
b) To consider and if approved sanction any duly made alteration of the Club rules.
c) To appoint the Chairman,Secretary,officers and other members of the Committee.
d) To appoint an Auditor or Auditors if the membership should consider it necessary
e) To deal with any special matter which the Committee desire to bring before the members
and to receive suggestions from members for consideration by the Committee
10. Notice convening the General Meeting shall be sent to the members not less than 10 days
before the meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.
11. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and
shall be convened within 21 days from the receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than 3 fully paid up members specifying the object of the meeting for any of the following purposes;
a) To consider and if approved sanction any duly made alteration to the rules of the Club;
b) To deal with any special matter which the Committee may desire to place before the members including expulsion of a member
c) To receive the resignation of the Committee or to remove any members thereof from office
and to fill any vacancy or vacancies caused thereby
d) To deal with any special matter which the members requiring the meeting may
desire to place before the Club.Notice convening an Extraordinary General Meeting
shall be sent to the members not less than 7 days before the meeting and shall
specify the matters to be dealt with.
12. The Chairman of the Club at Annual General Meetings shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of an equality of votes.
13. At General Meetings 10% of the current membership shall form a quorum. New members applying for membership may attend General Meetings but shall not be entitled to vote and they shall not be counted as part of the necessary quorum.
14. Any Committee Member who is expelled from the Committee for whatever reason either under section 7 or 11 of the Original Club Rules (as amended) shall not be eligible to be re-elected as a Committee Member at any future AGM or EGM without the prior endorsement of a majority of the acting Committee.
15. Any reference in the Club Rules to “fully paid up members” shall, for the purpose of clarification, also include “honorary members”.