Meet up up at the Washington slip road A24 'Kates Cakes'
The DCR planned for Sunday has been cancelled due to the terrible
weather forecast. There is a named storm coming bring lots of wind and ra...
Meet up up at the Washington slip road A24 'Kates Cakes'
The John Seldon BN13 2EN
Monthly club meeting at the John Seldon Pub. This evening will be a taxing quiz night. Please arrive ready to start at 8pm
The John Seldon BN13 2EN
The John Seldon BN13 2EN
Monthly club meeting at the John Seldon Pub. This evening will be a photographic competition. Please bring along those snaps.
The John Seldon BN13 2EN
Downlands Carvery BN14 9JN
No meeting this month but a Christmas meal on 7th December. PRE-BOOKED MEMBERS ONLY EVENT.
Downlands Carvery BN14 9JN